Nony Tochterman concluded from the Mercedes Benz L.A. Fashion Week at S ”
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. 2007-10-30
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All Pressekommuniqu�s for Octobers 30, 2007
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Beverly Hillsleute releases exclusive screen of Paris Hilton at night kind and way week Los Angeles closing
Mercedes Benz kind and way week in Los Angeles concludes with the special guest Paris Hilton, which looks beautifully, how she sat with Davis factor owner of Smashbox, in order to regard the Petro Zillia appearance. See to exclusive screen.
(PRWEB) Octobers 30, 2007 — Nony Tochterman concluded rippled/crinkled dresses from the Mercedes Benz L.A. Fashion Week at the SmashBox of studios with a standing applause of the mass, which was seized, in order to see its Petro Zillia spring accumulation, silk to mark way more dschulter bare dresses in the orange silk and hot rosafarbenes chiffon.
T, which he pushes himself, grew restlessly, waiting the fact that additional expenses began 40 minutes on the appearance and then stopped discussions and all eyes, which were turned in order Tochterman finally, to see with Paris Hilton on their arm to represent above. After Tochterman and Smashbox owner Davis factor led Hilton to its front row seat, which appearance, which became to receive mass, which splits its Anstarren up of the career models and Hilton on the way with half, which carried a Petro Zillia blue Satinoverall midnight of their.
Paris Hilton it seemed relaxed while she explained court later near that career Hilton the connected press held that she was from city and had their sister Nickis earlier appearance on the kind and way week missed and was only arrived into of Los Angeles the night before for Scream prices point of television set and Petro Zillias “large accumulation to see.”
Normally a New York amplifier, Tochterman opened recently its first L.A. memory and began to compare L.A.’s road kinds to spurred views it from New York town center affected.
Accumulation spring Zillias struck with bright and clear colors dresses on either a sliding of the thigh, or slides the floor and the equipments was also stressed, by dragging the scarves and footwear success of this season, which other where on the kind and way week are seen: Roman themed sand as and loadings.
An outstanding, which was greeted by applauding and applause, was appropriately starlet of each possible a wonderful floor length Teal packing dress with the sensitive folds of chiffon, which is during the price appearance season prepping.
L.A. Kind and way week followed the tendencies in New York and in Milan with the occurrence the silk and Satinueberbruecker, which came into bright yellow and into fuchsia. Umgeschnallte of short-circuits and liquid broad wide legged trousers were fitted with metallic knitted top sides.
Visitors to know the enclosed designers Sue Wong of the week 34 appearance, Randolph duke, Christian AUDI greed, Kevan resound, Jeremy Scott, Heatherette, monarchy accumulation and accumulation of beach rabbit to see.
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