actress Renee Zellweger wonx’tx joining the Paris Hiltonxx fan club anytime soonxx. Renee hat slammed Hollywood of socialites, which who use, welches their, the lifexSt.xle to partying ixSt.x Beruehmtheiten werden.
when asked whatxx she thinks aboutxx Paris, Renee saidxx: “I can’t bearxx thatxx scene. people work so hard to received where they are in this business, so, which form it me, who forms angry when I see someone, some Spotterei of whatxx we, juxSt.xtrying to, form for five dollars.”
Apparently she did not receive the Protokoll aboutxx, as you Notwendigkeit talent don’t to a Beruehmtheit in Hollywood is. Duh! the ‘ I am not famous for reasonxx ‘ tendency came in one close 2nd this year after getting knocked up for press.
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