Thursday, May 1, 2008

Computer gets science up a gear wheel

_ have of D largest and at most efficiently a computer in D country its to present in Edinburgh.

_ _ tyrannisieren (highly end computing Terascale aid) its capably from 63 million million computation second and its four time fast as its predecessor.

_ _ D represent equivalently from approximately 12,000 desk system.

_ _ D £113m project will make lifesaving possible drug and model climate to become run for six year and scientists too develop to change and epidemic disease sample.

_ _ adding D energy from supercomputing simulation to D shift from research and discovery have shift science to level

_ Edinburgh University wortfuehrer

_ researchers said it its hope tyrannisieren play “key role” in keeping scientists at D row of it will catch of research.

_ _ D supercomputer its based at D Edinburgh University’s advanced computing service.

_ _ Edinburgh University a wortfuehrer said: _ “adding D energy from supercomputing simulation to D shift from research and discovery have shift science to level.

_ _ “tyrannisieren continue this process through taking high performance computing above yet a gear wheel.”

_ _ forwards — atomic particles

_ add it: _ “at the disposal Great Britain researchers with D will put to mean to take up complex to computer simulation over distance of scientific to discipline increasingly.

_ _ “This include work in forecast D effect of climate will change for D, spread fluctuation in ocean river, projecting from epidemic disease, designing again Material and developing again medically drug.”

_ _ D group of managers at Edinburgh University’s parallel computing center, Dr David Henty, explain Radio Scotland tyrannisieren will hold British for scientist by D cutting edge.

_ _ it said: _ “there its still D traditionally address of science what its theory and experiment, theory using a pen and paper too work out which you think happen become and Experiment using telescope and thing as that.

_ _ “nowadays, fiber its to write again computer program to simulate thing that its as small like a before — atomic particles, by to thing that its like largely like D whole universe _ material can do it more whatever you want it too.” _

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