Monday, April 21, 2008

stocks sentence to extend for of of post holiday collection

LONDON ( — stocks sentence looked United States, in order to open higher Monday, while examined investors overseas wins, although around the health of the economy worries itself, remains you in the focus. Around 4:35 a.m.. AND, nasdaq and S&P future were higher and suggested a positive beginning for stocks, how dealers from the holiday weekend return. The holiday buying season stepped away with a bang in the United States on the day after Thanksgiving, well-known as black Friday. The enthusiasm gave stocks, which rose in a shortened learning section on Friday, an increase. In the global trade terminated stocks in Asia the learning section, which is higher sharply and which act European markets, which are advanced in mornings. But with a heavy economic calendar in front and oil prices, interests of a recession in the United States feeling could tilt still close $100 a barrel easily.

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