Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tuner special: Hartge more Hunter



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(you increase photo)

Hartge, which has German tuner, die way route ability bmw of the x3, when loading engine the exit and the Aufstrasse achievement improves.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

(you increase photo)

The abolition installation set of way route of the Hunters moves ride height by 0.8 tariff and includes a choice two 18-inch of the Gelaendewheel/tire combinations also.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

(you increase photo)

Engine improved for the more Hunter take X3 3.0d to 253 horse power and 422 Kw_poundfuesse torque and X3 3.0sd up to 335 HP and 498 lbs lb ft torque.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

(you increase photo)

Hartge fits sport Lenkwheel, which into green more leather and maple wood, a Speedo with a green preselection button and greener Carpeting are trimmed and master mat. There is even a tub in the charge bay to carry to freshly slaughtered game.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

(you increase photo)

Hartge states also to work on a Tunerversion for the larger X5 SUV.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

(you increase photo)

Hartge more Hunter.

(photo politeness of Hartge)

Tuner special: Hartge more Hunter Date communicated: 01-03-2008


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MERZIG, Germany — Herbert Hartge has BMWS pinched for, which seems ever, normally it faster and faster go to let to like. Now Hartge focused its co-ordinating abilities in another direction: Beefing up die X3’s way route ability.

Abolition installation set of way route of Hunter Hartges moves ride height by 0.8 tariff, and there is offered two die different 18-inch Gelaendewheel/tire combinations. The package includes also automatic front also and rear differential locks and stainless steel Underbody protects for the engine, the transmission, die support wave, die diffs, die exhaust system and fuel tank.

Engine improves the take X3 3.0d to 253 horse power and 422 Kw_poundfuesse torque and X3 3.0sd up to 335 HP and 498 lbs lb ft torque.

Continuing outdoorsy the topic, Hartge sport Lenkwheel, that a Yes matte into green is more leather trimmed and maple wood, a Speedo also a greener preselection button and even becomes green to Carpeting and trunk fits, there is even a tub in the charge bay to carry to freshly slaughtered game.

The tuner says that it functions to way route also on ascending for the larger X5.

Which this to you means: Hartge says that more Hunter is intended for “die hunt, managing and forestry and everyone, die enjoys, more over difficult to areas driving.” As John Denver, as soon as it put in the song, “Thank God I is boy a country.” — Paul Lienert, correspondent

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